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Winter Sun – A Matthew Walker Novel

Matthew Walker’s life has been a series of heartaches—losing the woman he loved, the uncle who raised him, and finally establishing a bond with his estranged father, only to lose him as well. As he stands at the edge of despair, a glimmer of hope emerges when Elize Lockwood enters his life.

Elize brings not only happiness but also a darker secret. Her ex-boyfriend, Elmer Turturro, is a sinister individual who revels in watching his friend torture and murder women. Matt has no idea how drastically falling for Elize will change his life. As he tries to protect her, he becomes the target of Elmer’s deranged friend. The question arises of who this friend is. Could this serial killer really be someone from Matt’s past?

Steve Westmoreland and Elmer Turturro form a twisted duo set on a collision course with Matt. With danger closing in, Matt’s world spirals into heart-stopping suspense.

Winter Sun takes the reader on a riveting journey where love and darkness intertwine. The chilling encounter that follows will keep the reader on the edge of their seat.